Song of my people

1. Abraham, Abraham, where are you coming from Abraham?
I'm coming from the Land of the pagans, Lord.
I'm coming to You my God! Abraham, Abraham, I will be your God!

2. Israel, Israel, why have you strayed from me Israel?
You say you don't need my guiding hand,
You say you don't want my love. Israel, Israel, I will be your God.

3. Gather 'round, listen now, to the words of a carpenter,
Who walked the earth working miracles,
Who died for us on a cross. Take my hand, walk with me, I will be your God.

4. Sons of me, sons of men, Where are you coming from sons of men?
We're coming to You out of darkness, Lord.
We're coming to You our God. Sons of me, sons of me, I will be your God.

My Dad sang this to me when I was young, and I'll get it stuck in my head every now and then. I finally looked up the lyrics so I could have more than just the first sentence in my head.

Published: Mon 05 September 2011

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